The Water and Sewer Commission is authorized under the Montville Town Charter, “to plan and direct the development, financing, construction and operation of such water and sewer supply, disposal and distribution facilities as may be required to properly serve the needs of the Town”.
Montville is served by a fairly new separated wastewater collection system with its inception in the 1970’s. The Route 163 corridor to the west of the WPCF was the first area to be served by the Town’s system. Sanitary sewers in the Route 32 corridor to the north were installed later during the 1980’s. The Rand Whitney Corporation’s (RWC) dedicated line for industrial process water was installed in the 1990’s while the Mohegan Tribal Utility Authority (MTUA) sanitary sewer line was installed in the 2000’s. The existing sewerage system in Montville provides for 62.9 miles of gravity sewers. There are also 13.15 miles of force mains and 0.05 miles of siphons in the system. Two (2) major collector sewers convey wastewater to the Montville WPCF. The Route 163 and Route 32 corridors to the north and west of the WPCF provide conveyance of the wastewater from the smaller lateral sewers. There are two dedicated lines that make up the collection system. The first was installed to support flows from Rand Whitney Corporation (RWC) to the west of the WPCF and the second line was installed to the north and supports flows from the Mohegan Tribal Utility Authority (MTUA). All of the flow is ultimately conveyed and treated at the Montville WPCF.